Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea: The Non Look-in Strips

Details about the strips from this wonderful publication.

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Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea: The Non Look-in Strips

Post by jim244 »

The incredible universe of Irwin Allens' immense Sci-fi Genius TV shows were a big hit in comics but sadly only Voyage (his first series) had a strip in Look-in.
Voyage featured in 3 annuals,two of which I have.Those two feature no strips.The other is,I believe,reprints from Gold Key comics.
Look -in also just reprinted from Gold key.
So,I believe the only comic strips produced for this show were most famously the Gold Key issues and secondly TV Tornado.
Unfortunately I have only a very few Tornados so if anybody can plug the gap on Voyage stories featured in Tornado,I would greatly appreciate it.
The Gold Key issues are the following:
16 Issues published from 1964 - 1970.

ISSUE 1: "The Last Survivor" (The Seaview investigates a mysterious tidal wave).
ISSUE 2: " Monsters of the Moho" (Ocean life turns into monsters).
ISSUE 3: "The Jonah Curse of the Seaview" (Admiral Nelson chases a phantom ship).
ISSUE 4: "Robinson Crusoe of the Depths" (An undersea giant).
ISSUE 5: "The Great Undersea Safari" (A vengeful hunter hunts Nelson -Reprinted in edited form in Look-In).
ISSUE 6: "The Overland Trail" (Seaview is land locked -Reprinted in edited form in Look-In).
ISSUE 7: "Saga of the Undersea Island" (A demon ).
ISSUE 8: "Seaview vs the Ultra Sub" (Enemy Submarine).
ISSUE 9: "Expedition to Doomsday" (A giant creature from under the ice).
ISSUE 10: "Davey Jones' Locker" (Nelson struggles to save his crew from madness).
ISSUE 11: "S.O.S. Seaview" (The Seaview is out of control).
ISSUE 12: "The Emperor of the Oceans" (Sea creatures declare war on mankind).
ISSUE 13: "The Renegade Island" (Trapped near an uncharted island faced with monstrosities).
ISSUE14: "The Life and Death of the Seaview" (The Sub is turned into a living monster).
ISSUE 15: Reprint of issue 7.
ISSUE 16: Reprint of issue 6.

Mistake above: I have since located both UK Voyage annuals and both contain strip stories,my memory had cheated.Apologies.
Voyage Annual 1967 contains a reprint of Gold Key 4.
The 68 annual contains a reprint of Gold Key 5.

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Re: Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea: The Non Look-in Strips

Post by jim244 »

Further information for TV Tornado.

After researching this,I know believe that other than sporadic text stories,the Voyage strip lasted from issues 1-6 only.
All of these were 2 pages in black and white.
Issue 1 "The Seaviews Ghost"
Issue 2 "The Green Monsters of the Deep".
Issue 3 "Crime Island"
Issue 4 "Dance of Death"
Titles unknown for 5 and 6.

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